如果你在做 ag体育正规 for the first time or the fifteenth, you’ll likely be tasting a lot of Cabernet Sauvignon during your visit. 赤霞珠是, 毕竟, acknowledged as the king of red grapes in 纳帕, dominating 40% of the area’s total production. With a terroir perfectly suited for growing Cabernet, 纳帕 has certainly found its sweet spot with this much loved Bordeaux grape, and the results are powerful, 深分层, and age-worthy wines showcasing notes of black fruit, 紫罗兰, 烟草, 和雪松, 举几个例子.
当然, 纳帕以赤霞珠和赤霞珠混合酒为特色的酿酒厂数量之多,足以让任何品酒师不知所措, 那么从哪里开始呢?? To help guide you, we’ve put together a list of 15 of the most famous names in 纳帕赤霞珠 welcoming visitors, along with a few lesser known wineries worth noting. 在你的酒窖里腾出点空间,因为我们觉得你要回家买几瓶新酒.