在你预定加州葡萄酒之乡之前, 你可能想知道:ag体育正规的最佳天气是什么时候? Thanks to a mild, Mediterranean climate, ag体育正规不仅是一个田园诗般的葡萄种植地, 一年中的任何时候,它也是一个欢迎游客的目的地. Though temperate year-round, 夏季往往温暖干燥,阳光充足, while winters can bring rain and cooler, cloudy days. Regardless of the season, 白天和黑夜的温度变化很大, sometimes as much as 30 degrees, so layers are advised.
5 Day Forecast
从日出到日落,葡萄酒之乡的天气预报都很好! 由于温和的地中海式气候,ag体育正规是一个全年都可以游览的田园诗般的地方.
Weather Season by Season
March – May
Spring is a lovely time to explore Napa Valley, when you’ll find blossoming flowers, 初露花蕾迹象的葡萄园, and fewer crowds. Though you may see patchy fog in the morning, 随着天气开始变暖,雨水变得不那么频繁了, 温和的气候鼓励人们多在户外活动.
Average High/Low: 68°F / 47°F
Average Rainfall: 1.8″
End of May – August
在夏季的几个月里,ag体育正规是游客的首选目的地,他们希望充分利用该地区漫长的旅游时间, hot days and pleasant evenings. Though it can get crowded, you can’t deny the appeal of lazy, sunshine-filled afternoons in Wine Country, when there’s not a cloud or raindrop in sight.
Average High/Low: 82°F / 55°F
Average Rainfall: 0.08″
Late August – October
加州一年四季气候宜人, 但在葡萄酒之乡,收获季节的魔力是难以抗拒的. 由于平均气温不太热也不太冷,这是一个理想的时间来参观. 此外,葡萄园呈现出明亮的红色和金色色调,这是一道美丽的风景.
Average High/Low: 77°F / 50°F
Average Rainfall: 0.08″
Late September – Thanksgiving
虽然在纳帕,秋天就是收获的代名词, 到10月中旬,随着夜间气温开始下降,围绕压榨的大部分兴奋情绪开始缓和下来. 虽然白天仍然宜人,高温保持在60多度, 在清晨和夜间气温可能低于45度时,穿几层衣服变得更加必要. 晴朗的日子仍然是常态,但11月会有更多的云和偶尔的阵雨.
Average High/Low: 69°F / 41°F
Average Rainfall: 1.9”
December – January
December is a wondrous time in Napa Valley, 当节日活动和聚会增添了这个季节的欢乐. 白天的平均气温在60度左右徘徊, 晚上温度会降到40度,有时甚至是30度. Though you won’t find snow, precipitation is somewhat frequent, so don’t forget an umbrella and a rain jacket.
Average High/Low: 60°F / 42°F
Average Rainfall: 5.1″
Low Season
January – March
Winter may be the rainy season in Napa County, 但这里人少,住宿价格也更实惠, 这是在炉火旁惬意地喝杯红酒的好时机. Despite the rain, you’ll still find clear, sunny days with a high temperature in the 50s, 这使得纳帕在每年的这个时候比全国大部分地区都要温暖.
Average High/Low: 57°F / 38°F
Average Rainfall: 5.3″
Plan Your Trip
Your Questions About Napa Valley Weather Answered
When is the best weather in Napa?
ag体育正规气候温和,像地中海一样,是一个全年都可以游览的田园诗般的地方. However, ag体育正规最温暖的季节是5月到9月, 当白天变长,阳光充足的时候.
How cold does it get in Napa Valley?
ag体育正规全年气候温和,但冬季气温最冷. 而在1月至3月期间,白天气温很少低于55度, 夜间平均最低温度在38 - 40华氏度之间.
Does Napa have snow?
While the higher elevations in Napa Valley, such as Spring Mountain, 接收偶尔的风雪, 谷底(大部分葡萄园所在的地方)不会下雪.
Does it rain in Napa?
ag体育正规每年平均降雨量为27英寸, 大部分降雨发生在12月到3月之间的冬季.
Why is the weather good for the wine?
ag体育正规的地中海气候为种植葡萄创造了理想的条件, where warm, 干燥的夏季受到凉爽的海洋影响而缓和, 白天到晚上的巨大温差使葡萄成熟,同时保持平衡的酸度.
Is Napa Valley warmer than San Francisco?
ag体育正规通常比邻近的旧金山温暖得多,尤其是在夏季. During summer, 大雾和低温在旧金山很常见, while warm, sunny days are the norm in Napa Valley.
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